Kiosk Installation Information
Kiosk Setup Information
STEP 1: Create an email address for each kiosk.
STEP 2: SafeVisitor’s onboarding team will send an email to the created email address, so the client can create a password for the kiosk.
STEP 3: Plug in kiosk. The power requirement for the kiosk is 110 V AC (Current Draw: < 3 amps)
Note: If the monitor doesn’t power on…
Press the power button on the battery backup (large black component in the back of the kiosk that the PC and Monitor are plugged into. This may make a beeping noise until you turn it on.) This should power on the monitor/PC.
STEP 4: Log into WiFi (bottom right of login screen), or run an Ethernet cable through the kiosk to the kiosk PC.
STEP 5: Click on the kiosk Windows account. The kiosk will automatically boot up to SafeVisitor’s login page.
STEP 6: Log into SafeVisitor using the kiosk’s credentials that were created earlier.
After logging in, you will be directed to the SafeVisitor dashboard. The dashboard should look like this:
KIOSK TEMPORARY VISITOR: This is where your visitors will click to scan their driver’s license.
KIOSK SAFEVISITOR ID BADGE CHECK IN: This is for any volunteer or vendors with an approved SafeVisitor badge. They will click here to scan their badge.